Monday, February 18, 2008

My new walkstation

My new steelcase treadmill was delivered Friday. It was supposed to ba a two hour install which ended up taking pretty much all day. It is the first one delivered in Richmond and the guys had to sort of learn as they went. A few problems. I ordered a monitor holder for the back panel and it just did not work. The monitor was 6 inches from my face - so we sent that back amd I am using a printer cartridge box to raise up the monitor. Also there was not enough room on the back rail to hold the telephone caddy. My monitor is too wide - so sent that back.

Today is my first day using the treadmill full - time. I have already walked 4 miles today at a 1.1 MPH pace. I have had to turn down the heat in my office a number of degrees. Even though I am walking so slow I am heating up quite a bit. A small problem since the thermostat that controls my office also controls other offices. Folks complaining there are freezing to death.

I am weighing in at 142 today. I am hopeful I will lose a pound a week without dieting just by walking and working most of the day. I am also beginning to realize I must be CAREFUL. My printer is not on the station (no room) and as I have turned back to pick up paper off the printer I almost went flying off of it. This whole thing would work betterif I wore a bathing suit and bike helmut to work. Stay cool and protect myself from a concussion. Also, I am REALLY hungry for lunch now. A big MAC would really go good now. I don't think my cup of yogurt is going to do it.

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